Sunday, 16 September 2012

A Bit About Me

     Probably, I spend more time looking for a good book to read than I do reading it.  Too much romance gets on my nerves, plot holes irritate me and poor characterization is unbearable.  On top of that, I'm quite cheap, always running to the library when I see a book I like.  Then, it's on to the waiting lists. Genre is one of the aspects of a book that I'm a bit more lenient on.  I prefer a story with a complex plot but, if there's a character I really like, I'll read just about anything.

     As for the last books I've read, I can't even remember them.  I do most of my reading on and occasionally steal my mom's I-pad to go on Zite.  Both of these are good time killers but sometimes only because there are a lot of stories and articles that have to be shifted through in order to find one I like.  Since anything can be posted by anyone, there isn't always quality assurance.  However,  Zite, at least, does a fairly good job of filtering.

     When it comes to my favourite book, my choice isn't that unique.  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will always be a favourite of mine.  Having been fond of the Harry Potter series since I was little, it seems only natural that this title should go to the concluding book of the series. The foreshadowing came together perfectly.  There wasn't much else that could have been done to add to it, in my opinion.  And, as stated above, I love a good plot.

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